People’s Assembly: Making UEA fit for a climate-changed future

22 Feb 2024
People’s Assembly: Making UEA fit for a climate-changed future

Universities are increasingly being challenged to show leadership in responding to and addressing climate change. Staff, students and the wider UEA community are already attempting to address some of these challenges on their own terms. However, universities have wider untapped potential to move beyond a siloed approach to decision-making and address the many social and environmental challenges we face today.  What if everyone at UEA had more of a say on how the university is run and what it stands for?

The UK Energy Research Centre’s (UKERC) Public Engagement Observatory have teamed-up with UEA’s Biodiversity and Climate Action Network (BCAN) and Faculty for a Future (F4F) to hold a People’s Assembly that aims to create a vision, provide recommendation, and catalyse action  to help make UEA fit for a climate-changed future.

The first assembly session, Exploring Our Current Engagements With Climate Change (Thursday 22nd February 2024, UEA Congregation Hall 0.17, 16:00 – 18:00), will focus on mapping the multiple and diverse ways in which the UEA is already engaging with and addressing the challenges and opportunities of climate change.

The second session, Re-imagining the University for a Climate-Changed World (Thursday 29th  February 2024, UEA Congregation Hall 0.17, 16:00 – 19:00), will start exploring how we can build solidarities and capitalise on existing engagements and action around climate change and forge action plans on what UEA should and could be doing in the near future.

Free vegan and vegetarian food and refreshments will be available to all participants in both sessions. Participation in both sessions is recommended, but NOT essential.

Advanced registration via Eventbrite is recommended: