A core activity of the Observatory is to map diverse forms of public participation and engagement with energy, climate change and net zero on an ongoing basis. 

Explore – The Observatory maintains and openly shares our mapping dataset of diverse cases of public participation and engagement with energy and climate change occurring in the UK since 2010.  You can explore and search this interactive case study dataset here.

Visualise You can further explore the mapping dataset by visualising the frequency of case studies by form of engagement, type of participant, topic and location here.

Contribute – Through the Observatory’s crowdsourcing function we invite others to contribute additional cases to help ensure the mapping dataset is as diverse, inclusive and up to date as possible. You can suggest new cases of public engagement or additional information for us to analyse here.

Digital methods – The Observatory is developing and applying digital methods to map the dynamics of actor engagements, issues and debates emerging online around energy and climate-related transitions. Find out more about our work on digital engagement here.