UKERC’s Public Engagement Observatory at Climate UEA Day

09 Jul 2024
UKERC’s Public Engagement Observatory at Climate UEA Day

Phedeas Stephanides and Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda represented the Public Engagement Observatory at the annual Climate UEA Day on Tuesday 25th June 2024.

Climate UEA Day offers insights into a range of projects and research taking place across the University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, and other partnering institutions, and provides colleagues with the space to discuss and develop ideas with other academics.

During the event, Phedeas and Elliot shared with participants key insights on our approach and research, and on the recent collaborative experiment where the Observatory partnered with Faculty for a Future (F4F) and the UEA Biodiversity & Climate Action Network (BCAN) to deliver a People’s Assembly for Making UEA Fit for a Climate-Changed Future.

Further information below: